Theater of Knowledge

World:Theater of Knowledge
Access Date:Mar 14, 2023

I am so pleased that I recorded this world, because as of July 2024, it is no longer online. This space was uploaded to by IslesOfAda, a Berlin based artist working with analogue and digital media. It is an open-roof venue with design references to the amphitheatres of ancient Rome. At the centre of the space is a circular stage with a harpsichord. The instrument served no other purpose than decoration, and perhaps, an allusion to early classical music. The classical music motif was repeated in the use of names of key elements in classical music including (in German): Instrumentenbauer, Instrumente, Komponisten and Programm. The entire space would turn all white after a certain time period, and then return to the default colors.

View of the ground level walkway and perforated walls.

View from ground level to open air roof.

View from outside amphitheatre looking in through port hole.

View of central ground floor space with harpsichord at centre.

View of harpsichord (not playable) and one of five staircases leading from performance space into the auditorium. My avatar is about to climb the stairs.

Detail on steps and sequence of time periods designating each seating row from 1000 to "heute" (today). Note the classical music related names around the top seating row: Instrumentenbauer, Instrumente, Komponisten, Programm etc.

View of venue from upper level. After a certain period of time, the entire space switched to entirely white.

Detailed view of open air roof and mosaic patterns adorning the sides of the structure.

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