Michigari Theater

This building's circular form with its sheer glass walls supporting a black disc roof appears to float on the horizon.

World:Michigari Theater
Access Date:May 11, 2023

When I observed this building from a distance, it seemed to float on the horizon. Its circular form with sheer glass walls supporting a black disc roof appeared to defy laws of physics - even the simulated physics of a VRChat world. Stepping inside, I felt little transition between the vast open world surrounding the structure and its emptiness inside. The two words overlap. It's only when I walked down a flight of stairs and arrived in the main exhibition space that I got the sense of a functional building.

The brightly lit foyer includes a large monitor display that can play video operated from one of several control rooms. The theatre's main auditorium is just a few steps away from the foyer, but is concealed by a large concrete wall. It never occurred to me to approach the wall in order to trigger its automatic opening. This small detail blends functional design with the gaming convention of a hidden door.

The main auditorium is spacious and laid out in fan-shape form, with an end-on semi-circular stage of minimal depth. The stage's cyclorama is setup as a video display. The same video can be played simultaneously on the screens in the auditorium and foyer. The stage has wings and does allow for physical avatar use.

A final point of interest about this space are the circular corridors that wind wound the building. These hollow hallways remind me of the architectural design of the "Curve" space in the Barbican Theatre, London, UK.

Inside the upstairs space. Glass walls look out onto a bleak landscape.

View of the main foyer on the second level. A black screen on the left and the passageway to the auditorium on the right.

Another view of the foyer, with attention to lighting.

The main auditorium: seating, lighting and stage.

A view of the auditorium from one of the control rooms.

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